Everyone gets jittery around the Holidays and everyone is more than ready for a long holiday break. Whether it is to be with family and friends or simply lay in bed and relax, everyone is feeling it.
Around this season, kids are starting to do their school work halfheartedly and adults are most likely slowing down in productivity, but that can’t come as much a surprise because you may also be feeling the same eagerness to run home for the holidays (unless of course, you’re one of those that says “bah humbug”).
Keeping productivity in the workspace is crucial during this time of year, so here are some ideas on how to do just that:
1. Spruce Up the Boring Cubical Space
Decorate the office space!
Add some holiday decorations and a bit of color to the workspace with a Christmas tree, some Poinsettia, and maybe even some Christmas music! Make the workplace feel merrier, brighter, and colorful this time of year in order to encourage happiness around the holidays.
What’s work without play? Throw a holiday party for your employees! Being able to socialize and have fun with everyone will decrease stress around the workspace. Remember, a happy worker is a productive worker.
2. Make Your Employee’s Feel Valued
A new year usually means new goals for most people (even if they fall flat by January 2nd). Some may strive to look for work elsewhere.
To prevent this, make your employees feel valued. Get to know your employees and ask them questions showing that you care about them and their work. This is killing two birds with one stone as improvements will work out for you because they’ll help to make your employees feel that they are heard in the workspace.
Don’t forget to celebrate your business’s success with your employees and recognizing their hard work!
3. Encourage Your Employees with A System of Rewards
Whether you use them throughout the year or specifically around the holidays is up to you, but rewards are definitely motivators no matter what level of employment you’re at. They don’t need to be huge, lavish rewards but definitely try out giving out gift cards, small work privileges, or even a mini vacation (such as a spa visit) for your employees. Other awards can include award ceremonies to recognize employee’s hard work and special traits throughout the year.
Implementing these changes will give your employees something to work for as well as help meet business goals.
4. Create Flexibility in the Workplace
Sometimes your employees may have matters they need to attend to outside of the workspace around the holiday season. Whether it be taking care of the kids because their children caught a cold or having to attending to unexpected events that simply happen in life. Flexibility is essential this time of year.
Allowing the option of your employees to work from home or making up the hours the days after shows that you are understanding. Creating flexibility within the workplace increases employee loyalty and overall satisfaction.
5. Include Your Employees on Improvements & Changes
With the new year coming, odds are you have new goals you’d like to achieve with your business and perhaps even some new policies. It is best to include everyone in on these changes. In doing so, you can receive valuable input and suggestions for the workspace that you may not have noticed.
Communication within any business can get lost or miscommunicated, so reminding everyone that these changes are being made will keep everyone in loop with businesses goals.
Take it from us at Western Landscape Maintenance Plus because here employees are family. Everyone is valued and everyone is involved. We do more than just care for our employees; we care for your plants and landscape too! If you’re in need of landscape maintenance, click here to contact us. Or give us a call at (888) 829-8333 today. We’d love to hear from you and we’re excited to take your call!